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Faculty positions in Laparoscopic Training Centres

Professor Amir Nisar has held Faculty Positions in various prestigious Laparascopic, Training  & Teaching Centres in many countries. 

Amir's International Minimal Access Centre for Surgery
Minimal Access Therapy Training Unit (MATTU) International Centre of
Excellence for Telesurgery
Guildford, Surrey, United Kingdom
International Minimal Access Centre For Surgery (IMACS) Director of the Institute
IRCAD, Strausburgh, France
Royal College of Surgeons, Lincoln's Inn,
London, United Kingdom
With International Minimal Access Centre for Surgery (IMACS) Faculty
as Director of the Training Unit
Line Up of Global Master Trainers
at Minimal Access Therapy Training Unit MATTU
Performing Live Complex Giant Hiatal Hernia Surgery in an International Meeting for GORD
Performing surgery in a live Satellite link to 15 Medical Universities
Live Workshop; teaching surgeons, Anti Reflux, Hernia and Gall Bladder surgery
Showing Endo-Alpha Theatre, the best in the United Kingdom Since 2008 to the presidents of the Association of Laparoscopic Surgery Great Britain and Ireland
Professor Amir Nisar Leading the way to colloboration with Medway University of Kent
Endo-Alpha hybrid endoscopic and laparoscopic theatre designed by Professor Amir Nisar